Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What a long Strange trip it's been...

Well the long post 8th grade graduation trip that turned into post 9th grade starting mni vacation has reached it's end.

Monday we got up and headed to the airport around 4:30 AM. Landed in Denver around 8:15 AM. Got the car, went to the hotel and checked in.
From there we added some education to the trip by going to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Nice museum, we saw every exhibit and ended up spending the day there.

It was a good call as it dipped below 40 at concert time. Got to remember this is outside and in the mountains.

Us in our seats, and the stage view from our seats. 28th row. Although I have to say there is not a bad seat in this place. It is a really cool venue; large wide isles, no blocked views, lots of good vendors (Beer,food). To get an idea of how wide the seating is spread out, they had beer vendors walking through them during the show.

The show rocked and the whole experience was great. Memories Joel and I will have for ever. It's very important to hold onto and cherish those good times with loved ones.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Trip Part II

Today is Saturday September 6th, We are going back to Denver on Monday to see this concert that we were denied this summer. I must be crazy, stupid....interject whatever you will.

It will be fun, that's all that matters. Except our flight leaves at 6:15 AM.

More to follow.