Monday, July 14, 2008

Trail Riding (walking)

Just cleaned up from the excellent mountain bike ride. It kicked our butts. We did the easy 'Hidden Fawn' Loop and said hey lets try something different. More to come on that.
Honestly, 3 minutes into this ride, Joel hits a little valley thingy and then came out and hit a medium sized rock. He starts going off trail puts the bike BETWEEN 2 larger rocks and then flips, er more like dives over the handle bars. The picture shows a bit of dirt on his shoulder. Miraculously, he gets up laughing. I let out a sigh and then laughed because it was comical. "I'm good, lets go!" 2 minutes later I have to stop, can't get out of my pedals and bam, I am down. If you ain't bleedin' you ain't bikin'!

The trails are incredible, rocks, ruts, flat runs, sand, stumps, roots and man-made erosion control. We decided to get to the top of evergreen mountain. Well I decided. We started out strong, but switcback after switchback at 8000 FT is just too much work and not enough O2 for these farm boys. Joel also found out that energy gel packs are next to eating vomit. We basically walked up to the top - with some spots of riding.

It was incredible though, the views, the smell of pine, and watching everyone else ride by us.
We did about 8.3 miles in around 3+ hours, averaging a whopping 5 MPH.

It's beautiful at the top, I hit 35 MPH on the way down, Joel was not too sure but did great. 1 1/2 hours up, 15 minutes down. That was an incredible decent. It they had a chair lift I would pay to go down it again.

I will have the GPS trail out soon so you can see where we went..

Time to find some dinner!

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